Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More Specifics on Cuts to MI Treatment System

Lou Thompson, the Director of AMDD, sent out this message today. I'm going to post it in its entirety to ensure that I don't inadvertently misconstrue anything.


I’m sure everyone is well aware of the Governor’s request that all state agencies seek to identify operational efficiencies and to develop a plan for an overall budget reduction of 5% in general fund expenditures. I very much appreciate the time and effort of Jerry, Jeff, and Mary Ann as well as Glenda and Joanie in helping us put together our proposal. I want to emphasize that it is only a proposal and that it will be reviewed by Governor Schweitzer along with proposals from across state government. I expect a final decision on budget changes to come from the Governor’s office around March 5.

I think that AMDD was very fortunate to be able to achieve its savings by not implementing some new programs, putting us in a position of not cutting any services to our constituent population. In order to achieve some of the savings identified below, however, it will be necessary that each of us become more aware of how we conduct our business including the use of cell phones and travel, and conserve as much as feasible during these challenging times. I ask that everyone take whatever steps are possible to reduce daily expenses and develop more efficient and alternative ways of meeting the needs of those we serve. Bureau Chiefs may have specific guidelines for their bureau.

Here are the numbers that were developed by AMDD and submitted for consideration:

Elimination of the 2% provider rate increase for FY2011 ($660,757)
General operating expenses including travel, meetings, office supplies, cell phones, etc. ($57,407)
MMHNCC savings in worker’s comp, vacancy savings, overtime ($300,000)
MSH savings in worker’s comp, vacancy savings, overtime ($967,731)
Eliminate expansion of HCBS Waiver in FY2011 ($356,208)
Eliminate OTO funding for HB130-131-132 ($458,228)
Reduce funding for crisis diversion programs HB130-131-132 ($619,468)

Thanks to each of you for all that you do. If you have any questions, give me a call.


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